These three letters are most commonly associated with multinational companies, which is both unsurprising and necessary.
However, there is no reason a small business – even an SME like EASTURN – could not play its own part in corporate social responsibility. We believe it would be a mistake if we did not do everything in our power to help build a better world. Sooner or later, everyone will realise that we were put on this planet not to take, but to give, to experience and to thrive. One of the best ways to do this (for those of us who believe in the circle of life) is by providing assistance or targeted aid.
Of course, we could point out the argument that the operation of a business – if done ethically – can, in itself, serve society through its activities, the jobs created, taxes paid, the opportunity provided for professional development, as well as the impact is has on the environment. All of which is true. CSR, however, is a summary of what can be done beyond all that, and can in fact be seen as a sort of measure of value for modern businesses.
Since our inception in 2014, we have supported a number of projects, with smaller or (usually) larger contributions, at times with donations of production capacity or professional assistance. All of this serves to make our work even more meaningful, and makes working at EASTURN more than a simple job, since everyone who is a part of our team is also an integral part of what we do.
For our latest news and projects,check out our hungarian site. Thx!
II. Dechatlon ForestRun 2018 - Event Sponsor
Local Summer Festival 2017, 2018 – Main Sponsor
KEFO Motorsport: Gold Level Sponsor – 2017 - 2018
KEFO Motorsport: Part Production for the Team - 2017
KEFO Motorspot: Part Production for the Team – 2016
BME Solar Boat Team: GOLD Level Sponsor – 2017
BME solar Boat Team: Part Production for the Team – 2016, 2017
"Könnycsepp" Nélkül - AID for Children - 2017
Select-Saturday (Nyíregyháza): Constant Supporter – 2014, 2015, 2017
Kárpátaljai Magyarok Támogatása - 2016
Kóborlók Állatvédelmi Egyesületének támogatása - 2015
Supporting the falmily of Pestovics Vivien – 2016